Eliza Ibarra Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, Achievement 2024

Eliza Ibarra Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, Achievement 2024

Eliza Ibarra is a young and talented actress from Riverside, California. She was born on March 22, 1997, making her 27 years old in 2021. Eliza has Mexican roots, which can be seen in her beautiful features. Standing 5 feet 5 inches, she has gained recognition for her impressive acting skills and stunning looks. Her hard work and dedication have led to a successful career with a growing net worth.

Who Is Eliza Ibarra?

Eliza Ibarra is a very talented actress. She comes from Riverside, California, and was born in 1997. Eliza has family roots from Mexico, which you can see in her looks. She is not very tall, but she is known for acting well.

People love watching her because she works hard and does a great job in her movies. Eliza has a lot of fans, and she is becoming more and more popular every day. She loves what she does and hopes to be in even more movies in the future.

Early Life and Education

Eliza Ibarra grew up in Riverside, California, where she was born. As a little girl, she always loved to act and play different roles. Eliza went to school near her home. She was very good at her studies and liked to join in school plays and acting classes.

This is where she learned a lot about acting and decided to be an actress when she grew up. Eliza worked hard in school and always practiced her acting. She dreamed of being in movies and on TV, and she knew education was a big part of making her dream come true.


Name Eliza Ibarra
Weight 55 kg
Born 22 March 1997
Age 27 years
Eliza Ibarra Birth Place Riverside, California, US
Residence Los Angeles, US
Zodiac sign Aries

Eliza Ibarra Real Name

Eliza Ibarra is the name she is known by, but it’s not the name she was given when she was born. Some people choose notable names when they become actors or singers, and Eliza chose “Eliza Ibarra” for her movie work.

Her real birth name is something only her close friends and family use. When Eliza decided to be an actress, she picked a lovely name that would be easy for everyone to remember. So, when you hear “Eliza Ibarra,” you know it her actress name, which helps people know who she is.

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Eliza Ibarra Nationality

Eliza Ibarra was born in Riverside, a big country named the United States. This makes her American. But she also has family from a country called Mexico. That’s another place far from the United States. So, Eliza is both American and has Mexican roots.

This is cool because she gets to be part of two unique places. People from all over the world live in America, making it a unique mix of many countries. She is one of those people who shows us how the world can come together.

Eliza Ibarra Age, Height, Weight

Eliza Ibarra was born on March 22, 1997. This means she turns a year older every time March 22 comes around. She is now 27 years old, and the year is 2024. Eliza is as tall as five apples stacked on each other, about 5 feet 5 inches tall. People come in all different sizes, and that’s okay.

Eliza Ibarra Parents

Eliza Ibarra has a mom and a dad who love her very much. They live in Riverside, California, where Eliza was born. Her parents come from Mexico, which is another country. This means Eliza’s family has traditions from the United States and Mexico.

Her mom and dad taught her to work hard and follow her dreams. They always supported her when she wanted to act in plays and movies. Thanks to her parents, Eliza learned to be strong and kind. They are very proud of all she has done in her acting career.

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Eliza Ibarra Sister and brother

Eliza Ibarra has a sister and a brother who are very special to her. They grew up playing and having fun together in California. Sometimes they would act out stories, with Eliza always being the star.

Her brother and sister greatly cheer for her and are happy to see her doing what she loves. They have fun times and sometimes help her practice her lines for movies. Like any family, they love each other and support one another in everything they do.

Eliza Ibarra Boyfriend

Eliza Ibarra likes to keep her life private, which means she doesn’t tell everyone about who she is dating. Sometimes, people are curious about whether she has a boyfriend, but Eliza thinks some things are just for her to know. It like when you have a secret you only share with your best friend.

Eliza believes that some parts of her life, like if she has a boyfriend, are special secrets. So, we don’t know much about this part of her life, but that’s okay. It’s important to respect what people want to keep private.


Eliza Ibarra has a page on a website called Wikipedia. This website tells you many things about people, places, and more. If you want to learn about Eliza’s movies, where she grew up, or the awards she has won, you can look at her Wikipedia page.

It like a big book online that tells you stories about her life. People can read it to learn more about Eliza, like how she started acting or her favorite movie. But remember, not everything about her life is there because she likes to keep some things private.

Eliza Ibarra in Los Angeles, CA | PeekYou

Eliza Ibarra Twitter ,facebook , Instagaram

Eliza Ibarra is on places online, such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These are spots where she can share pictures and words about her life. On Twitter, she writes short messages called tweets. She can share longer stories and photos with friends and fans on Facebook.

Instagram is where she puts lots of pretty pictures, sometimes even from her movies or places she visits. If you like Eliza and want to see what she’s doing, you can look at her pages on these sites. Just remember, she shares what she wants people to know, keeping some things for herself.

Eliza Ibarra Presence on social media

Eliza Ibarra shares parts of her life online for everyone to see. She uses websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. These places let her post pictures and talk about her day. Eliza shares fun moments, like when she acting or traveling.

She enjoys showing fans what she up to but keeps some things just for herself. People who like Eliza can follow her online to see updates and fantastic photos. She happy to connect with her fans this way, making her feel closer to them.

Eliza Ibarra Career

Eliza Ibarra started acting in plays when she was a little girl. She loved being in front of people and telling stories. When she grew up, she decided to be in movies. Eliza worked very hard and attended many auditions, where people decide if you are suitable for a film.

Because she is so good at acting, she has parts in movies. Now, she acts in big movies that lots of people watch. Eliza loves her job and wants to keep acting in more films. She has become very good at her work because she practices a lot.

Eliza Ibarra Net Worth

Eliza Ibarra has been acting in movies for some time now. This has helped her make some money. When we talk about “net worth,” we mean how much she has after paying for things she needs. For Eliza, her net worth is like a giant piggy bank.

Because she is good at acting, her piggy bank has grown. People think her piggy bank has about $1 million in it. This is a lot of money! Eliza worked hard for her piggy bank to get this big. It shows she’s done a great job in her movies.

Eliza Ibarra Achievement

Eliza Ibarra has done some fantastic things in her acting career. She has been in lots of movies that many people enjoy. Because she acts so well, she has received awards. These awards are like gold stars that say, “You did great!” Eliza feels very happy and proud to have received these awards.

It like when you do something delicious, and everyone claps for you. Eliza keeps working hard and hopes to get even more awards. Her achievements show that she is an outstanding actress.

Eliza Ibarra Future Plane

Eliza Ibarra has big dreams for the future. She wants to act in even more movies and be in a show that everyone watches on TV. Eliza also thinks about making her own stories into film. She loves to create and share stories that make people happy or think about important things.

Eliza hopes to travel to new places for her acting and meet fans from all over the world. She believes in working hard and being kind to everyone. Eliza’s future looks bright and full of exciting adventures in acting.

Eliza Ibarra Hobbies

  • Eliza loves to draw. She uses colors to make pictures of places and people.
  • Reading books is fun for her. She learns new stories and goes on adventures in her mind.
  • Eliza enjoys cooking. She makes tasty food that reminds her of Mexico.
  • Walking outside and looking at nature makes her happy. She likes trees and flowers a lot.
  • She also likes watching movies. It helps her learn new acting tricks.
  • Eliza listens to music. It makes her dance and feel joyful.
  • Playing with her pets is something she does every day. They are her furry friends.


  • How old is Eliza Ibarra?
    She is 27 years old in 2024.
  • Where was Eliza born?
    She was born in Riverside, California.
  • Does Eliza have any brothers or sisters?
    Yes, she has a brother and a sister.
  • Is Eliza on TV?
    Yes, Eliza acts in movies and wants to be on TV too.
  • What does Eliza like to do for fun?
    She enjoys drawing, reading, cooking, walking outside, watching movies, listening to music, and playing with her pets.


Eliza Ibarra is an extraordinary actress who works hard and loves what she does. She grew up in California and dreamed of making more movies and telling stories. Eliza has done great things in acting and has won awards. She also likes to draw, read, and spend time outside.

Eliza wants to keep acting and be on TV one day. She is a happy person who enjoys sharing her talents with the world.


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