Fiona Apple Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, children 2024

Fiona Apple Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, children 2024

Fiona Apple has been a prominent figure in the music industry for over two decades, captivating audiences with her powerful vocals and thought-provoking lyrics. Born on September 13, 1977, in New York City, Fiona’s talents were evident from a young age. Standing at 5 feet 2 inches and weighing 53 kilograms, she may be small, but her impact on the music world is immeasurable. With a net worth of $2.5 million, Fiona has established herself as a successful singer-songwriter with several critically acclaimed albums.

Who is Fiona Apple?

Fiona Apple is a very talented singer and songwriter from the United States. She writes songs and sings them, too. Fiona was born in a big city called New York City. She has been making music for many years, and many enjoy listening to her songs.

Fiona has also made a good amount of money from her music, which shows she is very good at what she does. People all over the world know who she is because of her music. Fiona loves to share her thoughts and feelings through her songs, and that’s why many people feel connected to her music.

Early Life and Education

Fiona Apple grew up in New York City with her family. Just like you, she loved to play music when she was a little girl. Fiona went to school just like you do. She liked to learn and was very good at writing songs, even when she was young. Fiona attended a school called Los Angeles County High School for the Arts.

This school helped her get even better at making music. Fiona loved to sing and write music more than anything. She worked hard at school to learn how to share her music with the world. Fiona shows us that if you love something and work hard, you can do amazing things when you grow up.


Real Name Fiona Apple
Profession Singer, Song-Writer, and Record Producer
Date of Birth 13 September 1977
Age 47 years old (In 2024)
Birthplace New York, United States
Gender Female
Father Brandon Maggart
Marital Status Update Soon
Spouse Update Soom
Kids Update Soon
Net Worth Update Soon
Height 5 feet 2 inches
Weight 51 Kg
Eye Color Blue

Fiona Apple Nationality

Fiona Apple is an American. This means she was born in a place called the United States of America, which is a big country with lots of different states and cities. Fiona was born in a famous town known as New York City. Being American means she is from the United States.

America is known for many music and songs that people worldwide love to listen to. Fiona is part of this big music family because she creates music many people enjoy. Just like Fiona, many Americans make music, and she is proud to be one of them.

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Fiona Apple Age, Height, Weight

Fiona Apple is an extraordinary singer with a big voice and heart. She was born a long time ago, in 1977. That makes her 46 years old in 2024. Fiona is a little short. She is 5 feet 2 inches high. That like standing next to a giant refrigerator.

She weighs 53 kilograms, which is as heavy as a big dog. Fiona shows us that it doesn’t matter how tall you are or how much you weigh. How you use your voice and heart to improve the world with music is essential.

Fiona Apple Husband and Boyfriend

Fiona Apple is a famous singer who writes her songs. She has had boyfriends in the past, which is typical for adults. Just like in school, where sometimes kids have special friends they like to hang out with, adults do, too. But, as of now, Fiona Apple does not talk much about having a husband or a boyfriend.

She likes to keep her personal life private, so she doesn’t share those details with everyone. It’s essential to respect people’s privacy and focus on the fantastic music and songs she creates, which bring happiness to many people.

Fiona Apple Wikipedia

For anyone wanting to know more about Fiona Apple, her Wikipedia page is a great place to visit. Wikipedia is like a big online book that tells stories about many people, including Fiona. On her page, you can learn about the music she makes, the albums she has released, and the awards she has won.

It’s like having a library about Fiona Apple right at your fingertips. You need to type her name on the internet, and you can read all about her music journey. It’s an excellent way to discover fun facts and exciting stories about her. Remember, using the internet with a grown-ups grown-up’s help is essential.

Fiona Apple Facebook , Twitter, Instagram

Fiona Apple uses the internet to share her music and thoughts. She has pages on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram where she can talk to her fans. On Facebook, she posts about her music and fun things she likes. Twitter is where she can share short messages or thoughts with everyone.

Instagram is unique because Fiona shares pictures. These can be about her music, things she sees that are beautiful, or just fun moments from her day. Fiona has a magic window where we can peek into her world. If you like Fiona and her music, these are good places to learn more about her.

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Fiona Apple Career

Fiona Apple started making music when she was very young. She sings songs and writes them, too. Fiona made her first big music album long ago, and people liked it. Since then, she has made more music albums. Each one is like a book of songs that tell stories or share feelings.

Fiona’s music is notable because she puts her heart into it. People worldwide listen to her songs and feel happy or understood. Making music is Fiona’s way of talking to the world, and she does it very well. She sang on big stages, and many people came to see her. She loves making music and keeps doing it to share more stories and feelings with everyone.

Fiona Apple Achievement

Fiona Apple has done amazing things in music. She has won awards because her songs are so good. One special award is the Grammy Award. It’s like getting a gold star in school but for music. Fiona has made albums that many people love. Albums are collections of songs.

Her music has helped her travel to places where she meets her fans. Fans are people who love her music. Fiona also helps animals and people with her music, making her a great singer and kind person. She has achieved a lot by doing what she loves, showing us that following our dreams can lead to beautiful things.

Fiona Apple Net Worth

Fiona Apple has saved much money by singing songs and making music albums. She has a net worth of $2.5 million. Imagine if you had a giant piggy bank and saved up every penny you got for a very long time. That’s what Fiona did, but it was with the money she earned from her music.

This money helps her do many things she loves, like making music and helping animals. Having this much money also means she can care for her needs and do kind things for others.  

Fiona Apple's New Album Is Out April 17


  • Fiona Apple loves to play the piano. She uses it to make her music. 
  • She also likes to paint. Fiona uses colours to show her feelings, just like in her songs. 
  • Fiona enjoys walking in nature. She thinks trees and animals are exceptional. 
  • Reading books is another hobby of hers. Fiona loves stories and learns a lot from them. 
  • She spends time with her dogs. Fiona thinks pets are great friends. 
  • Writing poems is something Fiona does for fun. It’s like writing songs without the music. 
  • Fiona also likes to cook. She makes yummy things to eat for her friends and family.
  • Swimming allows Fiona to relax and have fun in the water.


  • What does Fiona Apple do?
    She sings songs and writes them, too. 
  • How old is Fiona?
    She was 47 years old in 2024. 
  • Is Fiona tall?
    She not very tall, just 5 feet 2 inches. 
  • Does Fiona have pets?
    Yes, she has dogs and loves them a lot. 
  • What kind of music does Fiona make?
    She makes music that tells stories and shares feelings. 
  • Has Fiona won any awards?
    Yes, she has won a Grammy Award. 
  • Where is Fiona from?
    She was born in New York City, so she’s American. 
  • What does Fiona like to do for fun?
    She likes playing the piano, painting, and walking in nature.


In conclusion, Fiona Apple is an extraordinary singer and person. She has made a lot of music that people love, and she has worked hard to share her songs with the world. Fiona is not just about music; she does nice things for animals and helps others.

She shows us that you can do amazing things if you follow your dreams and work hard. Remember, Fiona teaches us to use our voices and hearts to make the world better, just like she does with her music.  


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