Felony Rogers Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, children 2024

Felony Rogers Age, Height, Net Worth, Career, Wikipedia, children 2024

Felony Rogers is a name that has become synonymous with beauty, talent, and success in modelling and acting. Born on January 13, 1969, she has significantly impacted the entertainment industry with her striking looks and impressive skills. Standing at 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 58 kilograms, she has captured the hearts of many with her captivating presence. With a net worth of approximately USD 102K, Felony’s career has been nothing short of remarkable.

Who is Felony Rogers?

Felony Rogers is a very talented lady who works as a model and an actress. She was born when it was freezing, in January, on the 13th day of 1969. This means she has been on Earth for quite some time, showing people how good she is at her job.

Felony is not too tall or short; she is just an excellent height and looks very pretty. People like watching her in movies and seeing her pictures. She has also saved a lot of money because she is very good at her work. Felony likes to make people smile and enjoys her job a lot.

Early Life and Education

Felony Rogers grew up in a place full of love and support. As a little girl, she loved to dress up and pretend she was in movies. This was a big clue that one day she would be famous. She went to school just like you when she was a bit older. She worked very hard and always did her homework.

Teachers said she was very good at reading and art. She loved to read stories and imagine she was the hero. This helped her a lot when she became an actress. Felony always believed that learning was necessary, so she kept studying even when she started modelling and acting.

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Felony Rogers
 United States
Date of Birth
13 January 1969
Age(as 2024)
55 Years
Net worth (approx)
102K USD

Felony Rogers Nationality

Felony Rogers is from the United States, which means she is American. Being American means, she was born in a place called the United States of America. It’s a big country with lots of different people and beautiful places. Felony has lived there since she was a baby.

In America, people do lots of fun things. They celebrate holidays like Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July with fireworks and parades. Felony, as an American, grew up with these traditions and many more. It’s part of what makes her who she is today.

Felony Rogers Age, Height, Weight

Felony Rogers is a special lady who has seen 55 winters and summers since she was born in 1969. That means she has had lots of birthdays, 55 to be exact! She’s as tall as five prominent ruler sticks stacked on each other, which people say is 5 feet 6 inches.

If you imagine 58 bags of sugar weighing 1 kilogram, that’s how much Felony weighs. She’s not too heavy or light, just right for her height. She has grown up to be strong and healthy, and she looks lovely when she smiles at the camera or acts in movies.

Felony - IMDb

Felony Rogers Husband and Boyfriend

Felony Rogers keeps her love life quiet, so few people know if she has a husband or a boyfriend. Like some people have secrets, Felony has her secret about who she loves. She likes to keep this part of her life just for herself, away from cameras and interviews.

It’s like when you have a special friend and only tell them your best secrets. Felony thinks having some things just hers is essential, not shared with the whole world. So, we don’t know much about this part of her life, but we respect her choice to keep it private.

Felony Rogers Wikipedia

Felony Rogers does not have a page just for her on Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a big online book that lets you learn about many people, places, and things. It’s like a library on your computer or phone where you can find stories about almost anyone.

But, even though Felony is very good at acting and modelling, her story isn’t there yet. Sometimes, only some get a page right away. But that’s okay! She is still doing amazing things, and maybe soon, she’ll have her page where we can read all about her adventures, how she grew up, and the fun things she does.

Felony Rogers Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

Felony Rogers loves to share parts of her life with her fans, and she does this through social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. She posts pictures and stories on Facebook about her adventures and things she enjoys. Twitter is where she shares her thoughts in short messages, making people smile and think.

Instagram is full of beautiful photos of Felony, showing her modelling work and fun moments. She likes connecting with her friends and fans on these sites, sharing bits of her life and seeing what everyone else likes. It’s like a big online family where everyone can talk and share.

Committing a Felony! | Filthy

Felony Rogers Career

Felony Rogers has been in movies and photos for a long time. She started when she was young, like when you start learning to ride a bike. First, she was in pictures for magazines, smiling and looking pretty. Then, she began acting, pretending to be different people in movies and TV shows.

People liked watching her because she was good at making believe. She worked in lots of shows; some of you might even know! Felony also talks to people at fashion shows, wearing beautiful clothes. She loves her job because it’s like playing dress-up and make-believe daily.

Felony Rogers Achievement

Felony Rogers has done some pretty cool things in her career. She’s been to movies and fashion shows that lots of people watched. She also won awards for being good at acting and modelling. Imagine winning a gold star at school; that’s how Felony feels when she gets these awards.

Plus, she’s been on the cover of magazines where she looks super pretty in her outfits. These are big deals because it means people really like what she does. Felony works hard; when she achieves something, it’s like finishing a big puzzle or winning a race. She’s very proud of her work and the smiles she brings to people’s faces.

Felony Rogers Net Worth

Felony Rogers has saved a lot of money from her job, where she acts in movies and poses for pictures. Imagine you have a piggy bank, and every time you do something well, like cleaning your room or helping out at home, you get some coins to put in it.

That’s kind of like what Felony has done, but with her acting and modelling jobs. She now has about USD 102K in her big piggy bank. That’s a lot of coins! She earns this money by being very good at what she does, and it helps her buy things she needs or wants, like toys, clothes, or gifts for her friends and family.


  • Felony Rogers loves taking pictures. She uses a camera to capture fun moments. 
  • She enjoys painting. With colours and brushes, she makes beautiful pictures. 
  • Reading books is one of her favourite things to do. She learns new stories every day. 
  • Felony likes walking in nature. She sees trees, birds, and sometimes deer. 
  • Cooking yummy food makes her happy. She tries new recipes for cakes and cookies. 
  • Playing with her dog is fun. They run around and play fetch with a ball. 
  • Watching movies at home is something she does to relax. She likes funny and happy films. 
  • Felony listens to music and dances. It makes her feel joyful and free.


  • What does Felony Rogers do?
    She acts in movies and models for photos. 
  • How old is she?
    Felony has had 55 birthdays. 
  • How tall is Felony?
    She as tall as five
    prominent ruler sticks on top of each other. 
  • Does Felony have any pets?
    Yes, she has a dog she plays with. 
  • Where is Felony from?
    She’s from the United States, which means she’s American.
  • What does Felony like to do for fun?
    She likes taking pictures, painting, reading, walking in nature, cooking, playing with her dog, watching movies, and dancing. 
  • Can I find Felony on Wikipedia?
    No, she doesn’t have her page there yet.


Ultimately, Felony Rogers shows us that being good at something you love is essential. She acts in movies and takes pretty pictures as a model, making many people happy. Even though she keeps some things private, like who she loves, she shares much of her life with us through social media.

Felony works hard and has saved much money because she’s good at her job. She also has fun hobbies like painting and playing with her dog. Felony teaches us to work hard, enjoy life, and keep smiling.  


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